Discuss three types of professional portfolios

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132193520

1. Often one of the greatest sources of cost for companiesA process of servicing cars at a small oil change store (like Jiffy-Lube or Oil Changer), which resembles an assembly line service process, is an example of the following process strategy:

a. process focus strategy.

b. repetitive focus strategy.

c. product focus strategy.

d. mass customization strategy.

e. none of the above.

2. Present the 5-step process for constructing a pay structure. The paper should present the steps in chronological order and explain the main objective of each step, as well as describe the key considerations of each.

3. The course materials discuss three types of professional portfolios that may come from completing an internship: the professional or career portfolio, the hard copy portfolio, and the combination portfolio. Which of these portfolio types do you think you will likely prepare as a result of your internship? At this point in the internship, what item(s) do you have/plan to have to include? How will you assemble and present these items in your portfolio?

Reference no: EM132193520

Questions Cloud

Multiple hurdle approach or compensatory model : When and why you would choose to use a multiple hurdle approach or a compensatory model. Thus, explaining how they can be combined.
What did you learn about yourself from your success : What did you learn about yourself from your success? Think of an experience you had in school that did not go as you had wanted, and describe it.
Have organizational initiatives created the problem : Analyze and Prioritize Data: Finally, you will analyze and prioritize the information and compare with the needs of the organization.
Estimate of inventory holding cost per year in percentage : In addition, the risk free interest rate is 3% per year. What is your estimate of the inventory holding cost per year in percentage?
Discuss three types of professional portfolios : discuss three types of professional portfolios that may come from completing an internship.
What sort of feedback did you receive from your instructor : What sort of feedback did you receive from your instructor? Share that feedback to whatever degree you are comfortable.
Determine a case violates the establishment clause : Students have requested that they be permitted to publicly perform and/or lead prayers before or during CSUN sporting events.
Often one of greatest sources of cost for companies : The supply chain is often one of the greatest sources of cost for companies and consequently it often becomes a major target of cost reduction.
Book was biased in its presentation of the company : What problems did the company encounter that others can learn from? Do you think this book was biased in its presentation of the company? Why/why not?


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