Discuss this scripture verse within the context of marketing

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131418117 , Length: word count:500

Integration of Faith and Learning Instructions

You will complete 2 Integration of Faith and Learning essays that are at least 500 words each, are in current APA format, and are submitted as Microsoft Word documents through SafeAssign. You will contemplate the assigned Scripture verse and relate it to marketing management.

Integration of Faith and Learning 1


Aristotle defined character as "the decisions a person makes when the choice is not obvious." Another well-known definition of character is the way people act when no one is looking. Firms that have "character" tend to perform better over time.

1. Find at least 1 Scripture verse that is related to character and to a firm that has character (Microsoft).

2. 2. In a 500-word essay that is in current APA format, discuss your Scripture verse within the context of marketing management.

Integration of Faith and Learning 2

Responsibility: To ourselves and to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

The Scripture verse from the Old Testament (Joshua 1:9) says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."

In a 500-word essay that is in current APA format, discuss this Scripture verse within the context of marketing management.

Reference no: EM131418117

Questions Cloud

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Discuss this scripture verse within the context of marketing : Aristotle defined character as "the decisions a person makes when the choice is not obvious." Another well-known definition of character is the way people act when no one is looking. Firms that have "character" tend to perform better over time. ..
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