Reference no: EM131172247
Human Resource Management Class
Question 1. Discuss the essential issues for initiating a successful EAP program. Express your opinion whether organizations should offer EAPs? Support your response.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
Question 2. Discuss the main provisions of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Explain the implications of FMLA for a family.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
Question 3. Define COBRA, and tell how employees benefit from it. Discuss how employers benefit from offering severance pay.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
Question 4. Discuss the advantages of employee stock ownership plans for employers and employees.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
Question 5. Identify the effect labor laws had on employers and employees in the post-Depression United States. Name the specific laws that affected unions in the United States.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
Question 6. Discuss what HR managers can do to ensure they are hiring ethical employees.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
Question 7. Discuss the ways employers lose NLRB elections. Describe how the acronym T.I.P.S. can assist supervisors in remembering what not to do during campaigns.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
Question 8. Define union security, and describe the five types of union security.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
QUESTION-American Government class-200 words
Social security for retirees is paid through payroll taxes on the current workforce. However, because retirees are living longer and increasing in number, the inflow of payroll tax revenue from workers at some point will be insufficient to fund the outflow of social security payments. One solution to the problem would be to increase taxes on workers. Another solution would be to reduce retiree benefits and require workers to wait longer before they become eligible for social security benefits (the earliest eligibility is currently 62 years of age). If you were asked to solve the problem, what would you propose?
English Composition Class-200 words
In this unit, we have taken a closer look at writing as a craft. We have revisited the writing process and methods for invention, we have examined informal logical fallacies, and we have discussed paragraph cohesion.
For this writing, think about your past experiences with writing (which may include the experiences you have had in this course). What advice about writing did you find most helpful? Why? Please explain the context that led to this advice. You may also tell more than one story about your writing experiences.
The objective of your reflection is to consider the advice of other writers and how we can always improve our writing by listening to others. Further, you are sharing that advice with your reader by reflecting upon the experience.
Remember, as always, that this writing should be a positive and constructive experience for everyone. The idea is that you reflect upon the process so that you understand it, understand yourself as a new student writer, and understand the challenges and successes you experience.