Discuss the various reasons system implementation fails

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133633814



With the justification of an HRIS solidified you need to show your client how you will implement the HRIS using one of the change models discussed in our text. You will also need to explain and justify the cost associated with implementation via a cost-benefit analysis. You want to ensure the system is properly maintained and evaluated for continuous improvement. Therefore, you will include a maintenance and evaluation plan in your proposal.


Write a 3 page proposal, in which you do the following:

I. Change Management

• Discuss the various reasons system implementation fails. Compare and contrast various change models. Then select a change model to use during system implementation. Provide details of how you will use the change model, and justify why you selected one model over the other models. Explain the various steps that should be included to ensure the change model is effective.

II. HRIS Implementation

• Discuss the activities that are necessary prior to the system going live, and provide a timeline for these activities. Specify which change management team member will be responsible for each activity, and explain their role.

III. Cost Benefit Analysis

• Create a cost-benefit analysis matrix for the HRIS vendor you chose during Phase III: Design. Analyze the cost justification strategies that you will use to justify the cost of the HRIS, including data that identify each benefit and cost component examined, estimates of the dollar amount for each estimate on when the organization will incur each cost and receive each benefit, and documentation justifying each decision you made in listing these benefits.

IV. Maintenance

• Discuss how you will ensure the system is properly maintained and evaluated for continuous improvement.

Reference no: EM133633814

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