Reference no: EM133205999
Question 1. What is the name of the company you have chosen?
How long have they existed, where is their head office, do they have satellite offices and if so, where. ? How big is the company? How many employees do they have?
What type of positions do they have? How many executives do they have? What are their positions, eg. titles Now you will begin your analysis based on the organization you have chosen by answering the following questions (Turn these questions into subheadings).
Question 2. What are the pros and cons of having a diverse workforce. Please explain both sides.
Question 3. Now you would like to measure the success of the organization you chose.
What metrics would you use, what benchmarks would you use. Explain why you would use these benchmarks
Question 4. List as many jobs as you can related to this organization. Then decide if any of those jobs are not 100% necessary and could potentially be eliminated and explain why.
Question 5. Discuss the various methods of job analysis and note their pros and cons.
Question 6. You may need to hire for a few positions. What would be the steps in the recruitment and selection process that you would use. Explain each step. Would the steps be the same for each position? If not, why not?
Question 7. Write down the positions you are hiring for (3-4) with a job description for each position using the template provided. 2 of 2
Question 8. Develop a list of effective characteristics that you would require for each of the positions you are hiring for.
Question 9. Conduct a job evaluation for each of these positions. Explain the method your chose and why you chose this method.
Question 10. You are considering a pay structure for these positions, before you do, discuss the pros and cons of using an individual performance pay systems.
Question 11. You may also be considering benefits for these new employees. What would be the advantages and disadvantages of introducing a flexible benefit plan.
Question 12. You heard that some of your employees are considering joining a union. Do unionized employees have a greater protection from dismissal than a non-unionized employee?
Question 13. Discuss the key reasons why employees form unions.
Question 14. After completing this review, are there any other HR issues, or concerns you believe you should address about the company you chose. Discuss 1-2 issues or concerns