Discuss the various levels and types of strategies

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13796323

Write an eight to ten (8-10) page paper in which you:

Determine the impact of the company's mission, vision, and primary stakeholders on its overall success.

Analyze the five (5) forces of competition to determine how they impact the company.

Create a SWOT analysis for the company to determine its major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Based on the SWOT analysis, outline a strategy for the company to capitalize on its strengths and opportunities, and minimize its weaknesses and threats.

Discuss the various levels and types of strategies the firm may use to maximize its competitiveness and profitability.

Outline a communications plan the company could use to make the strategies you recommend above known to all stakeholders.

Select two (2) corporate governance mechanisms used by this corporation and evaluate how effective they are at controlling managerial actions.

Evaluate the effectiveness of leadership within this corporation and make at least one (1) recommendation for improvement.

Assess efforts by this corporation to be a responsible (ethical) corporate citizen and determine the impact these efforts (or lack thereof) have on the company's bottom line. Provide specific examples to support your response.

Use at least five (5) quality references.

Reference no: EM13796323

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