Discuss the use of java as a web-based application tool

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13919682

Select one of the following essay topics. Write a 3-5 page (double-spaced) essay on your selected topic. You must include at least three reference citations from research that you have performed to gather information used in your paper. Your paper must reflect your own writing and cannot contain portions cut-n-pasted from the internet or other sources. ALL papers will be processed through "Turnitin.com" plagiarism detection tool. If your paper ends up being plagiarized or not your own original work you will receive zero credit on the assignment. This is your opportunity to practice writing professional and academic quality papers in English.

Topic selections:

1. Provide an overview of the concept of object-oriented modeling. Also discuss the concepts related to object-orientation and provide some examples to demonstrate your points.

2. Discuss the use of Java as a Web-based application tool and as a cross-platform programming language. Provide some example benefits and a general discussion of how the cross platform technology works.

3. Discuss Java's growing importance in client/server computing. Provide an overview of the Java EE (Enterprise Computing Environment) and the Java client/server computing environment.

4. Compare Java as an object-oriented programming language with another object-oriented programming language. How do the object-oriented design and features differ between the languages? Is one language more object-oriented the other? Are all object-oriented features implemented in both languages? Does one language support something the other does not?

5. Demonstrate how to solve a given application problem by going through the basic steps of program design within the context of the object-oriented paradigm. You do not need to create the Java source code but provide the logic for the program design and explain why it's a good design and how the object-oriented concepts are applied.

Reference no: EM13919682

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