Discuss the type of consumer product you identified

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131339544

Assignment : Goods and Services Marketing

The success of a product or a company in the marketplace is highly dependent on the target markets ability to distinguish a given product from another. One way this is accomplished is through branding. When it comes to branding, companies must make complex decisions that will have a prolonged effect on the perception of the product and company in the marketplace.

In this discussion, you will discuss product placements based on brand name marketing in the film industry.


Product placement deals have been a common practice in the film industry for quite some time,but the focus on placing popular brands in movies and television shows was never as important as it is today. To execute this Discussion, watch one of your favorite television shows or a recent popular movie and discover a brand of a product that is featured in the plot of the story.
Pay close attention, sometimes it can be tricky to identify a popular brand being featured if your mind is not consciously looking for it.

Directions to complete this Assignment:

? Read Chapter 10 in your textbook to understand how companies make branding decisions.

? View marketing uses of branding. Download the transcript.

? Watch the video segment concerning Brand, Design, and Differentiation as discussed by Tom Peters (Tom Peters Company ©1999-2014) to supplement your understanding of product branding by Tom Peters-Filmed by BVO 2009 and now available via YouTubeTM at:


Used by permission of Tom Peters. See www.tompeters.com for additional information.

Checklist: In 250 words or more, answer the following questions:

1. Identify the television show or recent movie you watched, and introduce the brand of a consumer product that you found was featured in the plot of the story.

2. Discuss the type of consumer product (convenience, shopping, specialty, unsought) you identified in the plot of the story. Explain your answer.

3. Discuss how the television show or movie increases or decreases the brand equity of the product.

4. Describe the brand strategy of the product you identified within the plot of the story.

Reference no: EM131339544

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