Discuss the two cultural models

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133328797


Write a graph about dialogue in which A, a supporter of the European "liberal" cultural model, and B, a supporter of the U.S. cultural model, discuss the two cultural models.

Reference no: EM133328797

Questions Cloud

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Why can jesus central ethical teachings were love-based : Why can we say that Jesus' central ethical teachings were love-based, altruistic, and radical?
What is the argument for divine command theory : What is the argument for Divine Command Theory? Explain the objections to Divine Command Theory? How might proponents respond?
Discuss the two cultural models : Which A, a supporter of the European "liberal" cultural model, and B, a supporter of the U.S. cultural model, discuss the two cultural models.
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Do you think people are naturally good-naturally selfish : Do you think that people are naturally good or naturally selfish (or some combination of the two)? How does your view compare with Mencius or Xunzi?
What was named pedagogy of the oppressed : Paulo Freire talks to us about what was named "Pedagogy of the Oppressed". He finds his inspiration in Liberation Theology.


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