Discuss the tools of engagement to monitor performance

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133312941

Assignment: The narrative alludes that poverty, unemployment, and inequality make up South Africa's "triple challenge", and little progress has been seen since 1994.The public sector delivers services essential to the well-being and development of the nation. To ensure that public service delivery is as efficient and economical as possible, all government institutions are required to formulate strategic plans, allocate resources to the implementation of those plans, and monitor and report the results. Performance information is essential to focus the attention of the public and oversight bodies on whether public institutions are delivering value for money, by comparing their performance against their budgets and service delivery plans, and to alert managers to areas where corrective action is required. In observation of this statement, critically discuss the tools of engagement to monitor performance within public sector organisations which aims to achieve strategic long-term development priorities.

Reference no: EM133312941

Questions Cloud

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Discuss the tools of engagement to monitor performance : discuss the tools of engagement to monitor performance within public sector organisations which aims to achieve strategic long-term development priorities.
Does boop have a viable claim for wrongful discharge : Boop protested the decision and Ployer then fired Boop. Does Boop have a viable claim for wrongful discharge?
Calculated and incentive plan details provided earlier : A calculation of the bonuses for each of the three managers based on the variances calculated and incentive plan details provided earlier.
What about this event would be a draw to the target market : What frequency of posting? How can they improve what they are already doing? What marketing techniques should they use
Nature and information needs of management : 'Costs may be classified in a variety of ways according to their nature and the information needs of management.'


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