Discuss the theory of good advertisements

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133469869

Homework: Business and Finance- Marketing Learn

Search the Bible (either the Old or New Testament) for at least one Bible verse(s) that would guide a marketer as they develop advertisements/promotions that would be considered within the bounds of "good advertising."

In a minimum of three well-crafted sections, explicate the Bible verse and its meaning, discuss the theory of "good advertisements" and then connect the Bible verse(s) towards guiding Marketers to create "good" Advertisements/Promotions.

First section; State your Bible verse and cite the book and verse(s) and then discuss the Bible verse from a Biblical perspective.

Second section; discuss the theory of "good advertisements" and their import to the marketing of products. Include two scholarly resources (WSJ, Fortune Magazine, Advertising Age, etc. are all considered scholarly in the discipline of Marketing) and cite within the text.

Third section; discuss/analyze the Bible verse's import in tempering and guiding our advertising/promotions efforts.

Reference no: EM133469869

Questions Cloud

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