Reference no: EM131046414 , Length: word count:5500
Project is all based on my project proposal i have attached the file.
The report must clearly demonstrate how relevant management and marketing frameworks have been applied to the development of recommendations. The report might include business/marketing strategies and/or functional sub-strategies. These should reflect the student's ability to critically analyse the issues identified in their ‘Project Proposal'. All arguments must be supported by theory, sound analysis, and must be logically structured. A key aspect for demonstrating a sound application of appropriate frameworks is the integration of REAL business/marketing/environmental information; this requires undertaking primary and/or secondary marketing research. Triangulation is critical, and the information provided in the report should be collected from a broad range of sources in order to reflect a more complete representation of the business context which is under investigation. The report should start with a clear statement of the aims and scope of the report as agreed in the ‘Project Proposal'.
Objectives- On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of marketing theory, frameworks, and models in relation to a selected business context;
2. Demonstrate capabilities to apply in great depth those theories, frameworks, and models relevant to a specific marketing challenge or opportunity an organisation is confronted with; and
3. Present findings in a well researched, structured, and concisely written report, including comprehensive and appropriate referencing.
Assessment Overview:-
All students are required to work individually in order to collect relevant information and apply relevant theories to examine a current business situation of an organisation. Students must develop managerially sound marketing recommendations addressing the issues that are identified as comprising this business situation. You should be guided by the evaluation criteria set out below and the substantive learning objectives for this assessment element.
This subject is designed to provide an opportunity for students to investigate a specific business activity related to marketing. The project might cover aspects such as the marketing strategy of a business unit, the effectiveness of a firm's branding efforts, the validity of an organisations segmentation approach, or how a particular business is embracing electronic marketing as part of its overall business strategy. There is a wide range of topics that can be approached in this subject.
In any case students are expected to undertake appropriate research that includes data collection and data analysis, apply appropriate marketing theory and other theory learned in prior subjects, to interpret research findings and make strategic recommendations for a specific organisation of the student's choosing.
In order to fully justify the recommendations that you make, you will be required to:
1. Explain the data (primary and/or secondary) that you have used to develop your assessment of the current business/market/environmental situation and justify the collection techniques for, analysis of, and limitations of these data.
2. Discuss the theories that support your project, and their relationship with the data that you have collected. You must also critique their applicability to the business situation under examination and explain how they help you to make business decisions.
3. Develop managerially relevant recommendations that clearly relate to your assessment of the current situation, the theories that you have chosen to apply, and the data that you have collected and analysed.
5500 words.
15 references.
Attachment:- Assignment.rar
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