Reference no: EM131335733 , Length: 7
Topic: The role of Confucianism or Daoism in modern Chinese culture
(Please be specific on which aspects of culture, because culture is very abstarct.)
Requirements:around 7 pages, following the rules and guidelines laid out in "Instructions for Writing Well in This Course", with the following amendments:
Use Times New Roman in 14-point font for all text except for Chinese or Japanese characters. (Using these characters is not required. If you do choose to use them and you'd like some help, I will be happy to assist).
The use of, and reference to, scholarly sources, including at least one primary source in print and at least three secondary sources in print:
Most of the topics listed on the previous page require the use of two primary sources, not one, since the assignment is comparative in nature.
Please do not ask me what the difference is between primary and secondary sources, and please do not ask me what the difference is between scholarly sources and sources that ain't scholarly. Ask Dr. Google or ask a librarian. (A general guideline is this: if it comes from a university press, it's scholarly; if it doesn't, it's suspect.)
You may use online sources as well, but these are not sufficient by themselves. You need to do more for this paper than surf the web.
You are certainly encouraged to collect digital copies of journal articles via interlibrary loan, but in almost all cases, when you cite them you'll cite the original print medium, not a URL.
If you use sources in other languages, in your citations you must translate the names of the sources into English to demonstrate that they are scholarly in nature.