Discuss the target market for each brand

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133501191


The essence of successful marketing strategies is brand positioning.

For this discussion exercise, select two brands of the same product that are positioned differently.

Brands: Apple & Samsung

Product: Smartwatch

Then explain how each brand is positioned and how consumers perceive each brand.

Are these brands positioned on the basis of actual characteristics or perceived characteristics?

? Be sure to explain your response in detail with support from the readings.

Consider the target market for each brand and discuss if the positioning is effective in differentiating the brand from its competitors. How so? Or why not?

Reference no: EM133501191

Questions Cloud

Discuss an e-commerce website : Consider a start-up business that lacks demographic data about customers. What methods can the company employ to 'segment' its customers?
Examining the external environment : Critically analyse the benefits, to any large construction company, of examining the external environment and available marketing information.
Evaluate alternative strategies : Evaluate alternative strategies and make a recommendation and recommend the best strategic solutions for the smartphone brand oppo.
Is there same product offering across websites that sell : Is there price parity and the same product offering across websites that sell your selected hotel?
Discuss the target market for each brand : Consider the target market for each brand and discuss if the positioning is effective in differentiating the brand from its competitors. How so? Or why not?
Identify a potential gap in the market to be filled : Can you identify a potential gap in the market to be filled? What opportunities might exist for a brand repositioning?
How is the brands website communicating brand identity : Now compare the two columns. Try to attribute the keywords you first thought of to the aspects you observed on the website.
Discuss social media channels you will use to market : When deciding what channels to use, consider the target market (gender, age, location) and the type of products and services you are offering.
Consequences of corruption and bribery : Research on the causes and consequences of "Corruption and Bribery" that companies appear to engage in while doing business internationally in an essay format.


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