Discuss the supply chain-focused manufacturing planning

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133237343


1. As we come to the end of Supply Planning, revisit the memo you wrote in Week 1 and discuss how you would write the memo differently now that you have the new knowledge from this course.

2. What were some of the key points you missed?

Original question and memo is below:

1. Discuss why the study of supply chain-focused manufacturing planning and control is important in today's competitive manufacturing environment.

In your replies, play "the boss"! Critique the letter and provide your decision to invest in better SC planning and control systems (or not), based on the original author's proposal.

The primary objective of supply chain-focused manufacturing planning and control, otherwise known as MP&CS in any organization is to ensure that the desired products are manufactured at the right time in the right quantities and are meeting quality specifications in the most cost-efficient manner (Benton, 2013). In today's competitive manufacturing environment, there has been a shift that makes supply chain management more social in nature, shifting its perspective from value based to more of an essential relationship.

?In the past typical manufacturer-supplier relationships focused on keeping one another at arms lengths, which diminishes the probability of having a sustainable relationship. What has been found is that through mutual commitment, the manufacturer and the supplying firms will work harder to satisfy the ultimate customer, thereby increasing profitability of the entire supply chain (Benton, 2013). MP&CS is important to a company's operations because it relates to material sourcing, strategy, labor, and machine working which all lend a hand in creating an effective and efficient supply chain to meet customer expectation of quality, demand, and timely delivery. If a company is to remain competitive, design innovation, material sourcing and machine utility amongst others must remain at the forefront, thus ensuring optimal manufacturing planning as they relate to the aspect of the supply chain must occur.

Reference no: EM133237343

Questions Cloud

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