Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of interning

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133771565

Portfolio Requirements:

Internship Title Page: Include the your name, company name and address with the company logo, supervisor's name, title and telephone number, semester/year, and the dates of internship experience.

Section I - Company Background: Provide an overview of the internship company history, corporate mission, and product and/or service offerings. Citation for all sources of reference must be identified (ex. Web site URL, company generated materials, articles, books, etc.) Use APA reference style and include this information at the end of Section I. (2 pages)

Section II - Internship Experience: Describe in detail the internship work assignments. Use subheadings to explain each of these assignments. Discuss the assignment, its frequency, its rationale, and the learning experience received.

Section III - Log of Internship Activities: Include a copy of all of the Brightspace posted internship logs that were uploaded during the semester. These daily logs include the internship activities, duties, and tasks that were performed each day, along with the specific dates and times worked. For an example of the format refer to the Daily Internship Log click here.

Section IV -Timesheets: Include timesheets signed by you and your company supervisor.

Section V - Internship Company Evaluation: Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of interning with this company. What suggestions would you recommend the company continue and what areas need improvement? (3 pages)

Section VI - Self-evaluation: Address the contributions and strengths you brought to this internship. What areas did you feel you were deficient in completing your assigned tasks? What additional training or classes do you feel are necessary to better prepare you for your future business career? (3 pages)

Reference no: EM133771565

Questions Cloud

What is the warehouse design used by the chosen organization : What is the Warehouse design used by the chosen organization and provide your idea on the appropriate warehouse design that will be suitable for the future
What would cause you to change or adapt your approach : Would your chosen approach be universally applicable to any given situation? If not, what would cause you to change or adapt your approach?
Describe how hpaii and mspi can be used : Describe how HpaII and MspI can be used to determine if a given DNA sequence is methylated. Be sure to mention positive and negative controls and any limitation
Theoretical explanations of nonprofit activity : Theoretical Explanations of Nonprofit Activity in Market Economies and in Cross-Country Comparison - You can also include screenshots of some content like graph
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of interning : Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of interning with this company. What suggestions would you recommend the company continue and what areas need improvement
Define technological innovation : Define technological innovation and explain its significance in the modern competitive environment. Discuss how technological innovation is a key driver
How can this impact your capacity to be receptive : How has your own socialization impacted your understanding of crime, "criminals" and the criminal justice system?
Describe how you will use the information provided : Review and summarize article relating to science education and describe how you will use the information provided in your future classroom
Freedom from being hungry, cold, and isolated : Human capabilities, resources, etc. Now is the perfect time to start reflecting on what would be most important to you in your Youtopia


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