Discuss the strength and weaknesses of group decision making

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133539429


Work groups are an important part of an organization. Groups shape members' behavior and help explain individual behavior as well as the performance of the organization itself.

1. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of group decision making.

2. List and briefly describe the stages in the five-stage model of group development.

3. How does group size affect a group's behavior?

Reference no: EM133539429

Questions Cloud

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Discuss the strength and weaknesses of group decision making : Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of group decision making. List and briefly describe the stages in the five-stage model of group development.
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What additional tactics you use to conduct investigation : What additional tactics would you use to conduct the investigation? How would you deal with issues of confidentiality in the interviewing of witnesses?


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