Reference no: EM13706742 , Length: 2000 words
1- Business Law:
Intellectual property is a generic term that refers to intangible objects, such as literary works, artistic productions, scientific discoveries and plans for inventions and designs, which acquire their value primarily from creative efforts and these fruit of human minds are protected by intellectual property rights aiming to reward creator and promote economic, social and technological development of the nations. As a result of exploitation of the Internet, intellectual property has now migrated to the Internet and is being modified to suit the online environment in many ways.
In your dissertation, you have to discuss the following elements:
- INTERNATIONAL LEGISLATION: international agreements related to the intellectual property UAE LEGISLATION:
- copyright legislation
- copyright legislation on the Internet
- Infringement in the traditional context
- Infringement in the Context of the Internet
II- E- Business:
1. "The Internet a typhoon force, a ten times force, or is it a bit of wind? Or is it a force that fundamentally alters our business?" (Grove, 1996).
According to the meteorological analogy given by Mr. Andy Grove, Chairman of Intel, used with the Internet, explain how your organization can achieve significant cost savings and marketing benefits through the use of the internet technology.
2. All organizations operate within an environment that influences the way in which they conduct business; such environments create opportunities as well as threats. Discuss the strategy of your organization according to the specificities of your business environment!
Second-order differential equation
: A second-order differential equation x"+9x with initial conditions x(0) = 2 and x'(0) = 0. A first-order differential equation x' + 2x = e^-5t with no initial conditions ( x(0) = x'(0) = 0). Given the differential equation x"+ 6x = f, where f(t) is t..
Calculate the heat involved in the process
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What is the gauge pressure at the bottom of this tank
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Create array b with identical dimention to array x
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Discuss the strategy of your organization
: Discuss the strategy of your organization according to the specificities of your business environment and explain how your organization can achieve significant cost savings and marketing benefits through the use of the internet technology.
Potential energy is gained due to change in height
: A tank at an elevation of z1 = 15 m contains 0.005 kg of saturated liquid H2O at T1 = 200 C and is attached to a paddle wheel. Take the reference state to be T0 = 25 ?C and p0 = 101.3 kPa. Compute the exergy transfer due to the process and the amount..
What is the change in entropy
: A vessel, divided into two parts by a partition, contains 6 mol of N2 gas at 65oC and 30 bar at one side of the partition and 5 mol of Ar at 140oC and 20 bar on the other. If the partition is removed and the gases mix adiabatically and completely, wh..
Determine mixture state dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures
: Moist air at 70 F dry bulb temperatures and 45 percent relative humidity is recalculated from a room and mixed with outdoor air at 97 F dry-bulb temperature and 83 F thermodynamic wet bulb temperatures. Determine the mixture state dry-bulb and wet-bu..
The final pressure of the water and the volume
: 2.96 pound mass of water fills a 6.9900ft3 weighted piston cylinder devices at a temperature of 400F. The piston cylinder is now cooled until its temperature is 90F. Determine the final pressure of the water and the volume