Reference no: EM133386074
You have already completed the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the pre-assessment of fitness. In your first paragraph discuss your IPAQ results. Was your activity level low, moderate or high? What comment were you given after you completed the questionnaire? What type activity did you spend the most time per week doing (Walking, sitting, moderate, or vigorous activity), and what were the activities (running, lifting weights, riding a bike, etc.).
The rest of the paper you will use the Steps for Self-Planning for Healthy Lifestyles (below) to build a plan to improve your IPAQ rating and your fitness scores. When going through each step, remember that you are examining your use of physical activity!
Step 1: Clarify Reasons: think about why physical activity is important to you. If it isn't, you need to think about why it should be important and how you are going to incorporate physical activity into your life. The whole purpose of this project is for you make a plan to create a healthier lifestyle. In this paragraph you need to discuss your reasons for wanting to be healthier.
Step 2: Identify needs: Which component of fitness do you need or want to improve the most? Cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, or your body composition? Then select the two areas you need the most improvement in. You must provide your fitness test scores for the components you selected.
Step 3: Write SMART goals: In this paragraph you need to write SMART goals related to the components of fitness you are choosing to work on. You need 2 SMART goals for each component of fitness you are working on, so 4 goals total.
Step 4: Select Program components: This is where you will discuss the specific components to your plan. What exercises are you going to be doing? Weightlifting? What kind of weight lifting? Cardio? Are you going to run, bike, do Zumba? Are you going to join a gym? Work out at home? Are you changing your nutrition as well? The activities you discuss should be ones that you enjoy!
Step 5: WRITE YOUR PLAN: You are to include an exact 14 day, play by play plan for your program. This should include the times of day and what activities you are doing (e.g., 15-minute quiet time at noon, yoga class from 5:30 to 6:30). Be sure to include exercises that will improve each area of health related fitness you are trying to improve.
Step 6: Evaluation: In this last paragraph, you will discuss how you will evaluate your plan and determine if you achieved your goals. This should include how you will self-monitor. Will you use an app? Keep a log? Will you do a fitness test post assessment? (Hint: you will!) Be thorough!