Discuss the state of social relationships are they stable

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Reference no: EM131630356

You are the advisor to a now powerful emperor, Tang Dynasty in China. You have been called upon to provide a report to your ruler on the state of the realm. Below are the questions that are to be answered regarding Tang Dynasty in China.

State of social relationships Are they stable, unstable, or calm? Are there uprisings?

Is the social fabric of your realm roiled by constant ethnic strife (the Greeks famously called this stasis, or social tumult)?

You can include your understanding or opinion about the social and ethnic fabric of your society-its actual social structure or ideal social structure.

Reference no: EM131630356

Questions Cloud

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Explain how your personal values and worldview may conflict : Explain how your personal values, philosophy, and worldview may conflict with your obligation to practice, creating an ethical dilemma.
Can the people truly understand the true picture : Imagine a country where the state controls all media outlets, and censors any news coming into and out of the country.
What are the components of a modern social democracy : What are the components of a modern social democracy (which is different from full-on socialism)?
Discuss the state of social relationships are they stable : State of social relationships Are they stable, unstable, or calm Are there uprisings
Determine the primary aims or objectives of each stakeholder : Determine the primary aims/objectives of each stakeholder. Assess the power of each stakeholder to affect the company's strategic plans, and how it may apply t
Who favor social and economic change to help the poor : Who favor social and economic change to help the poor.
Discuss the postclassical period of world history : Discuss the nature of Islamic involvement in long-distance trade during the postclassical period of world history
How receptive was the public after each of these addresses : Compare and contrast the inauguration speeches of Presidents Obama and Trump. How receptive was the public after each of these addresses?


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