Discuss the standout features of wal-mart''s approaches

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1329250

Discuss the standout features of Wal-Mart's approaches to managing operations.

Discuss the attributes you find impressive about Wal-Mart's policies and procedures, and use of best practices.

Discuss how Wal-Mart's emphasize continuous improvement and the use of rewards and incentives.

- Assess how the constant bashing of Wal-Mart by the media impacted Wal-Mart's ability to operate effectively in the communities where its stores operated and how management's choice to ignore the problem exacerbated it.

- Evaluate Wal-Mart's shift in strategy from "just saving money" to "saving money to live better" and the impact to Wal-Mart suppliers, customers, and employees. Suggest whether or not this shift aligns with the company's values and how any gaps should be addressed.

- Recommend a strategy for Wal-Mart to leverage its cost-efficient operations business model worldwide, leading to financial stability and a desirable return on investment to shareholders.

Reference no: EM1329250

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