Discuss the stages of life cycle development

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Reference no: EM132096776 , Length: word count:3000

Lifecycle Development Assignment -

Learning Outcomes -

  • Discuss the different life stages of the life cycle.
  • Analyse different needs at different points of the lifecycle.
  • Apply theories of lifecycle development.

ASSIGNMENT QUESTION - Please read the scenario and then complete the tasks.


Supporting families through the lifecycle.

You are a member of a multi-disciplinary team within a social care context.

Your team is caring for a family whose brief history is as follows;

Mother: Died 2 years ago

Father: The main carer for the children since the mother died. Works part time as a delivery driver; he hopes to work full time once Child 2 goes to secondary school. He left his job as a Supermarket Manager 18 months ago due to stress.

Child 1: Aged 15, female. Was attending a local secondary school and was getting good school reports until the last year. Her attendance is not good and her grades are dropping. Previously she had aspirations to attend college after leaving school to study to be a teacher.

She has recently had a baby who was born premature; the baby stayed in hospital for three weeks before she was able to come home. Child 1 has been diagnosed with postnatal depression.

Child 2: Aged 9 years, male, attends a local primary school.

Grandparent: Paternal grandmother. Age 65, retired and moved into the family home after the children's mother. Husband died 8 years ago; she has had periods of depression since his death.

It has come to the team's attention that the family are struggling to cope. You have been asked to prepare a briefing note for the team on Child 1 and her family.

Your briefing note should be based on the scenario above.


Task 1 - Using the scenario, discuss the stages of life cycle development; include in your discussion a range of factors that may influence the development of the individual family members.

Task 2 - Select TWO family members and analyse their needs at this point of their lifecycle and the potential developmental issues of not having these needs met.

Task 3 - After receiving the support, the family are now coping with the transitions in family life. Apply TWO lifecycle theories that the Multi-Disciplinary Team may have used to understand the family and individuals within the family.

The assignment in terms of: appropriate use of referencing, extent and evidence of research, structure of the submission, coverage of the issues, presentation and use of appropriate language.

Useful resources -

Beckett C and Taylor H (2016). Human Growth and Development (3rd edition).

McCoyd JLM and Walter CA (2015). Grief and Loss Across the Lifespan: A Biopsychosocial Perspective (2 edition).

Walsh M (2016). Human Lifespan Development: An ABC Guide for Students. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

Word Limit: 3,000 (from the Introduction to Conclusion inclusive).

Reference no: EM132096776

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8/27/2018 12:34:18 AM

Word Limit: 3,000 (from the Introduction to Conclusion inclusive). WRITING YOUR ASSIGNMENT: This assignment must be completed individually. You must use Harvard referencing system. Your work must indicate the number of words you have used. Do not exceed the maximum number of words specified above; all assignments which do so will be penalised. ALL WORDS BEYOND THE WORD LIMIT WILL NOT BE MARKED. Assignment submissions are to be made anonymously. Do not write your name anywhere on your work. Write your student ID number at the top of every page. Where the assignment comprises more than one task, all tasks must be submitted in a single document. You must number all pages.


8/27/2018 12:34:11 AM

SUBMITTING YOUR ASSIGNMENT: In order to achieve full marks, you must submit your work before the deadline. Work that is submitted late – up to five working days after the published submission deadline - will be accepted and marked. However, the element of the module’s assessment to which the work contributes will be capped with a maximum mark of 40%. Work cannot be submitted if the period of 5 working days after the deadline has passed (unless there is an approved extension). Failure to submit within the relevant period will mean that you have failed the assessment.


8/27/2018 12:34:04 AM

Please refer to the Academic Regulations or your Student Handbook for full details. Marks will be reserved for the overall quality of the assignment in terms of: appropriate use of referencing, extent and evidence of research, structure of the submission, coverage of the issues, presentation and use of appropriate language.


8/27/2018 12:33:59 AM

An outstanding discussion of lifecycle development that is relevant to the case study. Autonomous research with originality of content. An outstanding analysis of two family members and how unmet individual needs impact the family member’s development. Outstanding evidence of originality with outstanding independent research. An outstanding application of relevant theories with outstanding use of independent research to support discussion. Citations accurate without exception. The answer to the task demonstrates an exceptional information base exploring and analysing the discipline, its theory and ethical issues with extraordinary originality and autonomy. With some additional effort, work may be considered for internal publication.

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