Reference no: EM131949085
Question: Cultural Autobiography
Sue and Sue (2016) explain that our worldviews are related to our values, cultural upbringing, and experiences. This reflective paper is an extension of the MAKSS assessment of multicultural awareness you completed during Unit 1. Your cultural autobiography is information that you collect from interviewing a family member (or members), personal reflections, and peer-reviewed article readings.
Assignment Instructions
Heritage and Worldview
Based on the data you gather from interviewing a family member, personal reflections, and peer-reviewed articles, address the following points:
• Describe briefly your cultural heritage and acculturative process (for example, your paternal grandparents immigrated to the United States from Italy and your maternal grandparents emigrated from Ireland.)
• Discuss the significance of your family's engagement in religious or spiritual traditions on your worldview.
• Identify aspects of your cultural heritage that have resulted in privilege or discrimination toward you and your family.
Strategies to Overcome Your Cultural Competence Limitations
Considering your heritage and MAKSS assessment results, think about potential barriers or opportunities your worldview could present in counseling a client of a different ethnicity or race, religion, gender, or socioeconomic status.
• Describe at least one strategy to address each of the aspects of multicultural competence (awareness, knowledge, and skill) that would assist in resolving your personal barriers to competent counseling practices.
• Explain how you will consistently monitor discussions related to your cultural experiences that have potential to bring up feelings or unresolved issues. Describe your plan to navigate these issues.
Submission Requirements
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
• Template: Use the template provided in the resources.
• Written communication: Written communication must be grammatically correct and free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Writing should be consistent with graduate-level scholarship. Note: Because this is an autobiography, this assignment may be written using the first person.
• APA format: Title page, main body, and references should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
• Number of resources: A minimum of three scholarly resources from peer-reviewed journals published within the past 10 years. Distinguished submissions typically exceed this minimum.
• Length of paper: 3-4 typed double-spaced pages, not including the title page and reference page.
• Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
You are required to submit your final version of this paper to Turnitin to generate a final report prior to submitting the assignment for grading. From the Turnitin tool, first submit to the draft link to check your work for any necessary edits. Once the paper is finalized and all edits have been made, submit your final paper to the Final report option for the assignment. Please be advised it can take up to a day to obtain the percentage from Turnitin. When your paper is downloaded and viewable in Turnitin, save the originality report. Refer to The Similarity Report (linked in the resources) from Turnitin Web site for guidance.
• Submit your assignment using the following file naming format: Your Name_AssignmentNumber_Assignment Title (example: Ima_Learner_u03a1_ClientDescription).
• Provide the percentage from the final Turnitin report in the comment section (example: Final Turnitin percentage = 4%). Please be prepared to provide your faculty member with a copy of the Turnitin report, should this be requested of you.
Reference: Sue, D. W., & Sue, D. (2016). Counseling the culturally diverse: Theory and practice (7th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.