Reference no: EM133066248 , Length: word count:2000
Case Study Report assignment
Purpose: This assessment will allow students to demonstrate that they can identify, assess and analyse the situation provided in a case study.
Topic 1: Peer to peer networks enable people to swap files around the world. Many of such files contain copyrighted material.
Discuss how IP rules and processes are important for conducting business in a Peer-to-peer environment. You need to use specific examples in the ICT industry in your discussion of this topic.
Topic 2: Ethics are highly relevant in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
Discuss the significance of teaching ethics to AI professionals. Support your discussion with at least 4 examples.
Topic 3: Investigate various factors that influence consumer trust on e-commerce systems.
Discuss the different ethical factors that affect consumers' perspective towards e-commerce. You need to use at least 4 cases in the discussion to add value to your discussion.
Topic 4: Cloud computing data centres like Amazon have an obligation to their client companies.
Discuss ethical issues such as consumer privacy, reliability of services, datamining, and data ownerships. Support your discussion with at least 4 example situations.
Topic 5: Discussions on privacy revolve around the idea of access. Privacy is the zone of inaccessibility that surrounds a person.
Given that ICT projects involve privacy, discuss how archivists can manage privacy in ICT projects. Support your discussion with at least 4 example situations.
Use a consistent referencing style (IEEE OR Harvard)
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