Discuss the significance of sociological imagination

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Reference no: EM133594748


1. What is Social Problem?

2. Discuss the different ways that Structural Functionalism, Conflict theory and Symbol Interaction theory explain social problems.

3. Discuss two theories that you favor from chapter 1 discussion and their argument of society and problems and state why you favor them than the others.

4. Define the following:

a. Social structure

b. Compare manifest and latent function

c. Compare achieved and ascribed status

d. Compare primary group and secondary group.

5. Define and discuss the significance of sociological imagination.

6. Discuss the importance of the health disparities among nations and how is wealth related to health?

7. Discuss the prevalence, impact and causes of mental health.

8. What is Affordable Health Care, is it different from Obama Care?

Reference no: EM133594748

Questions Cloud

Culture of poverty thesis : Sociologists disagree strongly with the Culture of Poverty thesis because it blames the victims of structural inequality.
Declared war on the critical race theory : Florida as well as other southern republican ran states have declared war on the critical race theory.
Urban areas may have a smaller percentage of residents : Larger urban areas may have a smaller percentage of residents aged 65 and older. This could be due to factors such as higher costs of living,
Low socioeconomic status and has child with disabilities : You could provide to a family who is of low socioeconomic status and has a child with disabilities? What other barriers will this family face?
Discuss the significance of sociological imagination : Define and discuss the significance of sociological imagination. Discuss the prevalence, impact and causes of mental health.
Relationship between population increases and climate change : What is the relationship between population increases and climate change? Do you think fertility control is an effective strategy to halt climate change?
What do we mean by risk environment : What do we mean by risk environment The terrible consequences of environmental destruction such as logging and oil spills
Environmental issues that affect the development of children : Some environmental issues that affect the development of children include the media and the use of technology.
Parental involvement and community support : Need opposing articles why socio economic factors such as parental involvement and community support are more important than putting money into schools.


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