Discuss the sept eleven attack and its impact

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Reference no: EM132258355


Between 200 and2016, the US experienced remarkable changes internationally and domestically. By any measure, the terrorist attack of Sept. 11, 2001, was a game changer.

With that a long, still-ongoing "war on terror" began that meant military engagements overseas and increased domestic security measures. In 2008, remarkably, the US elected its first African American president, Barack Obama. He was elected to a second term in 2012.

Choose and discuss one of the following two topics related to American history under Presidents Bush and Obama:

Discuss the Sept. 11 (2001) attack and its impact.

Describe what stands out to you (perhaps from memory) from the events of Sept. 11, 2001

Give two examples of events or changes since 9/11 that you attribute to that terrorist attack. In your view, what should we learn from this attack and our experiences trying to deal with it.

Identify the source(s) where you read about these free trade issues of that time.

Discuss president Obama's election and presidency. (Considering our many explorations of race relations and Civil Rights in our history, there is much that can be said of President Obama's election and presidency, and it is still perhaps too early to evaluate fully.)

Identify two specific examples that you think were the most important developments of Obama's presidency.

Explain why you chose those two examples.

Identify the source(s) where you read about these changes of the early 21st Century.

Reference no: EM132258355

Questions Cloud

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