Discuss the role of the database administration

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13949791

The purpose of this 3 page paper is to discuss , views regarding data warehousing and data mining or knowledge discovery in databases.

Discuss the role of the database administration and the issues of cost/benefit for these types of endeavors in organizations.

A data warehouse is a repository storing integrated information for efficient querying and analysis. Information is extracted from heterogeneous sources as it is generated or updated

A Data Warehouse on the other end, is a database that is designed for facilitating querying and analysis. Often designed as OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) systems, these databases contain read-only data that can be queried and analysed far more efficiently as compared to your regular OLTP application databases. In this sense an OLAP system is designed to be read-optimized.

Reference no: EM13949791

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