Reference no: EM132217316
Question 1. Health Promotion brings a shift in emphasis from an individualistic model of health to an integrated systems approach. Consider the implications of this model for Health Promotion practice, illustrating your answer with examples from the literature.
Question 2. "Health promotion is a core, and the most important, cost-effective strategy to improve health and quality of life ...." (WHO, 2009). Discuss this statement, illustrating your answer with reference to the evidence base on the effectiveness of Health Promotion approaches.
Question 3. Describe and critically discuss the role of governments and interest groups in the policy making process. Illustrate your answer with examples of relevance to health promotion.
Question 4. Explain and discuss the assertion that healthy public policy establishes the environment that makes the other four actions areas of the Ottawa Charter (WHO, 1986) possible.
Question 5. Critically consider the term ‘empowerment' and why it is central to health promotion theory and practice.
Question 6. Critically consider the ‘settings approach' within health promotion. Explain the links between the approach and the Ottawa Charter (WHO, 1986), supporting your answer with examples.