Discuss the role of computer-mediated applications

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131515868


E-Marketing Customers

President Learner is concerned about the e-business''s ability to service his company''s patient members effectively. He wants you to address his concerns by examining the online methods used by the e-business to understand, profile, and analyze the digital customer.
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write up 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

Describe the characteristics used to identify and profile online users and how those characteristics differ from descriptions of traditional consumers using physical and personal traits.

Discuss the role of computer-mediated applications in digital consumer behavior, such as digital consumer decision support systems (CDSSs), intelligent agents, and how they result in different patterns of interaction than for traditional consumer engagement in the physical marketplace.

Discuss how the e-business's digital customer behavior for online services overlaps with the traditional customer behavior approach for services provided in physical interpersonal settings.

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The paper discusses about the e-marketing service providers and and how the online services have influenced the users over the traditional users. The paper also discusses about the characteristics and profile of the online and traditional users. It explains the role of computer-mediated applications in digital consumer behavior, such as digital consumer decision support systems (CDSSS). Moreover the paper also explains the e-business’s digital customer behavior for online services overlaps with the traditional customer behavior approach for services provided in physical interpersonal settings. The paper is prepared for 500-550 words. Bibliography in APA format.

Reference no: EM131515868

Questions Cloud

Who determines the amount of each tax : List all of the taxes (percent, amount, etc.) found on the receipt. Who determines the amount of each tax? Where does revenue from this tax go
What decisions-problems-opportunities must you face : What decisions/problems/opportunities must you face? How do feel about actions taken? Why? What would you have done? What are the major differences today?
Presentations and best practices : Choose a field (e.g., marketing, sales, teaching, etc.) where you believe presentations are important.
Why do you think managers tend to overlook : Why do you think managers tend to overlook internal Dynamics when tean building?
Discuss the role of computer-mediated applications : Describe the characteristics used to identify and profile online users and how those characteristics differ from descriptions of traditional consumers
Plan to meet the developmental needs of the children : Explain three strategies that will be used to promote language, behavioral, and social development. Give specific examples.
Develop a comprehensive strategy : Develop a comprehensive strategy for training new employees. Focusing on the role of the new employees within the organization
Briefly define what a two-tier client-server architecture is : Briefly define what a "two-tier" client-server architecture is. What is the difference between a "static page" and a "dynamic page"?
Design a link to fulfill the design requirements : Design a link to fulfill the design requirements incorporating the pre-drilled holes - Optimise the link design to minimise the weight, without safety


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