Reference no: EM132899918
Question: Case study
For more than a decade, Coca-Cola has been fighting for its reputation against allegations of lack of health and safety of its products, unlawful competitive practices, racial discrimination and employee intimidation, channel stuffing, unfair distributor treatment, and the pollution and pillaging of natural resources. It is difficult to decipher all available information and come to a clear conclusion. Under Nevill and Muhtar Kent's leadership, Coca-Cola has rebounded and begun to take strides toward improving its image. The company is focusing more on environmental stewardship, for example. However, the company's critics say that Coca-Cola is not doing enough, that its efforts are merely window dressing to hide its corruption. Case in point. Although the company claims to have addressed all issues in India and claims to be trying to aid the in that country. People worldwide are caught up in emotional reactions both positive and negative to this massive corporation. Regardless of emotion, it is clear that Coca-Cola is not a perfect company and that it has been involved in its share of ethical misconduct. Shareholder reactions have altered many times over the company's history, but the company has retained a large loyal base. The company hopes that its current leadership is strong enough to move Coca-Cola past this focus on ethics and into a profitable start to the twenty-first century. Thus, the question is whether leadership is doing what it takes to burnish Coca-Cola's image and practice what it preaches.
(a) Discuss the role corporate reputation play within organizational performance and social responsibility?
(b) Develop a list of factors or characteristics that different stakeholders may use in assessing corporate reputation.
(c) Assume you have just become CEO at Coca-Cola. Outline the strategic steps you would take to remedy the concerns emanating from the company's board of directors, consumers, employees, and business partners; governments; and the media.
(d) Describe the elements of social responsibility that you can draw from in responding to these stakeholder issues?
(e) Discuss if Coca-Cola's environmental initiatives are just window dressing or does the company seem to be sincere in its efforts.