Discuss the risks company faces and the actions they take

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131314320

Risk Identification and Mitigation

Using the annual report from the company that you have selected for your Final Project (apple inc.), discuss the risks the company faces and the actions they take to mitigate those risks. Refer to the Management Discussion and Analysis section of the annual report for this information.

As part of your response consider whether you think the risk mitigation techniques are reasonable. Discuss what others concerns or advice you would offer if you had the opportunity.

Include in your post a calculation for the probability of one of the risks identified by your company. This information may not be available in the annual report, therefore you will likely need to conduct research and critical thinking to complete this calculation.

Tip: For help with reading an annual report access this handy guide from Money Chimp(https://www.moneychimp.com/articles/financials/fundamentals.htm) .

Develop a 200 - 300 word explanation supporting your position.

Reference no: EM131314320

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