Discuss the results of your targeted teaching activity

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Reference no: EM133531107

Discussion Post: Targeted Teaching Activities

Prior to teaching your targeted activity, discuss with your mentor teacher your objectives, activities, and assessments. Use any feedback to improve the targeted teaching plan. Implement the targeted teaching activity and related assessment with the same student you have been working with during your field experience. Then debrief the experience with your mentor teacher.

In a 250 to 500 words, discuss the results of your targeted teaching activity. Describe the conversation you had with your mentor teacher regarding the objectives, activities, and assessments. Reflect and explain how you designed, delivered, and assessed your targeted teaching activity. Indicate how you plan to implement what you learned in your future teaching practice.

Reference no: EM133531107

Questions Cloud

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How can we use what may be perceived : Do you agree with this comment? Why/why not? Is there a place for conflict in the exchange of ideas and/or leadership styles?
Discuss the results of your targeted teaching activity : Discuss the results of your targeted teaching activity. Describe conversation you had with your mentor teacher regarding objectives, activities and assessments.
Describe changes in the nespresso business from : Describe changes in the Nespresso business from the perspective of a business model Assess Yanick Lang's performance as a business manager
Explain why medical service providers require patients : Explain why medical service providers require patients to sign a copy of the practice or organizations financial policies. should the patient be provided
Discuss the four strategies in terms of the risk response : discuss the four strategies in terms of the 'risk response strategy' as applied to companies like Makro and Game when faced with such risk.
Evaluate effectiveness of your family nursing action : N 362- Evaluate effectiveness of your family nursing action. Provide closure for terminating your professional relationship.


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