Reference no: EM132303267
Assessment and Addiction
• Unit 3 Assignment/ Standardized Assessments
This first assignment will provide practice analyzing basic concepts of test reliability, validity, and additional measurement constructs to select and administer the most appropriate screening or assessment instrument.
Assignment Instructions
Evaluate a chosen substance abuse assessment tool in order to complete the checklist below.
1. Choose a substance abuse assessment.
o Name of test selected.
o Author(s) and developer(s) of the test.
o Is computer software available for scoring and interpretation?
o User qualifications for the test.
Examine Background Information on the Test.
o Purpose of test.
o Nature of the test item.
o Target population for the test.
o Ethical or legal issues related to the test.
o Age and reading level requirements of clients.
o Standardization procedures.
Evaluate Psychometric Properties of the Test.
o Discuss the norm sample.
o Discuss the reliability of the test.
o Discuss the validity of the test.
Analyze Information on the Administration of the Test.
o In your opinion, are the instructions easy to follow and easy for the "client" to understand?
o Describe the ease and thoroughness of the test manual.
o Describe the testing environment and administration time.
Examine Information on the Scoring and Interpretation of the Test.
o How well does the test manual or instructions explain scoring procedures?
o In your opinion, is the test easy to score and interpret?
o What are the limitations, if any, of the test?
Assignment Requirements
• Written communication: Written communication must be clear, concise, and free of errors.
• APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style.
• Length of paper: 3-4 double-spaced, typed pages, excluding title and reference pages.
• Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
• Finding Test and Measurement Instruments.
• Database Guide: Mental Measurements Yearbook.
• APA Style and Format