Discuss the relationship and impacts of csa-usa patriot act

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Reference no: EM133768629

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1. For apps to be featured on the iPhone, developers must build it with Apple's software development kit and then apply for approval. Apple rejected the Google Voice iPhone App, and further stated that it would not accept any applications that incorporated Google Voice functionality. Apple reasoned that this app duplicates the phone's core features. It also rejected Google's location-based app Google Latitude. If you were developing a collaborative platform, do you think the best model is this collaborative model, or is the open innovation model better - if your main goal is to maximize innovation? What if your main goal is to make money?

2. Plaintiffs filed a class action lawsuit against investment banks alleging that they inflated prices on more than 300 IPOs, causing IPO investors to overpay for stock, and unlawfully benefited these banks through overcompensation of banking commissions and profits made through quick sales of this stock in their own accounts before prices settled into a more realistic valuation. How would you combat such abuses going forward?

3. Read the following laws and articles:

1. The Computer Security Act of 1987

2. The Patriot Act.

3. Jaeger, P. T., McClure, C. R., Bertot, J. C., & Snead, J. T. (2004). The USA PATRIOT Act, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, and information policy research in libraries: Issues, impacts, and questions for libraries and researchers. The Library Quarterly, 74(2), 99-121.

4. Politics

Discuss the relationship and impacts of CSA, USA PATRIOT ACT, and FISA. Also discuss the current status of these laws and the replacement of these laws.

Reference no: EM133768629

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