Discuss the redundencies and anamolies

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131528953

Question: Using your school's student information system, print your class schedule. The schedule probably would contain the student identification number, student name, class code, class name, class credit hours, class instructor name, the class meeting days and times, and the class room number. Use Figure as a template to complete the following actions.


Reference no: EM131528953

Questions Cloud

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Discuss the redundencies and anamolies : Using your school's student information system, print your class schedule. The schedule probably would contain the student identification number, student name.
The value of the synergy between these two firms : What must Stultz feel is the value of the synergy between these two firms? What will the EPS of Stultz be after the merger?
What problem might encounter if building kom were deleted : Given the file structure shown in Figure, what problem(s) might you encounter if building KOM were deleted?
What is the synergy from the merger : What is the synergy from the merger? What is the cost to Fly-By-Night of each alternative?
Identify your organization core competencies : Examine your organization's core competencies based on established definitions. Include a rationale for the selection of these core competencies


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