12/4/2017 5:06:41 AM
first of all these I got good marks very good job I really like this tutor. best job he is done. I m so happy about this solution. thanks for your service. I am going to get new work for you soon.
12/4/2017 5:04:06 AM
Discuss the impact this has had /may have on the application process for your selected job. In this section you need more analysis on the impact. You tend to start talking about your goals. Much of your work is summary or description. More analysis is needed.
My goal is to be an employee at commonwealth bank after 5 years. after completing the degree. You have describe that this opportunity will guide me to my future goal.
Please do not increase the word amount. keep it under 1000
Subject is personal insight, Course is Bachelor of commerce majoring accounting and finance.
you need to build a strong argument. You tend to summarise each author and include your opinions. I would expect to see that you can analyse and discuss the trends and forecast the impact based on good evidence.
12/4/2017 5:03:58 AM
How much is for the all assignment means 3000 words
Fist I need the task one. I can pay US dollars. Please accept this. I am a regular customer of you.
I paid the amount, please start the work. Please use the recommend reading the cloud Deakin under Personal insight subject. you can find it in resources inside the subject.
I need 5 references for this task. please do it and send me.
your work must be presented as a business report. When you "Research the current trends and changes in recruitment and employability criteria in your selected industry" This must show very good research and analysis of the industry. You will need to look at a minimum of 4-5 resources.
9/19/2017 3:17:40 AM
Provides four or more pieces of evidence relating to learning achievements or experiences.
Reviews and analyses prior learning experiences within or outside the classroom to identify and articulate skills and attributes in depth and significantly related to specific selection criteria
12.0 – 15.0 marks
14.0 marks
Shows exemplary attention to presentation requirement resulting in very strong readability to engage the reader.
Consistently uses English that skilfully communicates meaning with high level of clarity and fluency and is virtually error free but no spelling errors.
8 – 10 marks
9 marks
Provides detailed preparation for the interview using the STAR framework to address 3 criteria from the job description.
Relevant questions presented for all interviewees with well- argued reasons for the choice questions.
9/19/2017 3:17:32 AM
Provides three pieces of evidence relating to learning achievements or experiences.
Reviews and analyses prior learning experiences within or outside the classroom to identify and articulate skills and attributes in depth related to specific selection criteria
10.5 – 11.9marks
11.2 marks
Shows strong attention to presentation requirements resulting in strong readability to engage the reader.
Consistently uses English that communicates meaning with clarity and fluency and occasional errors but no spelling errors.
7.0 –7.9 marks
7.5 marks
Provides clear preparation for the interview using the STAR framework to address 3 criteria from the job description.
Relevant questions presented for all interviewees with some reasons for the choice of questions.
9/19/2017 3:17:24 AM
Provides two pieces of evidence relating to learning achievements or experiences.
Reviews prior learning experiences within or outside the classroom in depth to identify and articulate skills and attributes related to specific selection criteria
9.0 –10.4 marks
9.7 marks
Shows good attention to presentation requirements resulting in good readability to engage the reader.
Competently uses straightforward English that conveys meaning even though there may be occasional errors but few spelling errors.
6 –6.9 marks
6.5 marks
Provides preparation for the interview using the STAR framework to address criteria in a simplified format.
Relevant questions presented for all interviewees with some attempt to explain the reasons for the choice of questions.
9/19/2017 3:17:17 AM
Provides no evidence relating to learning achievements or experiences.
Never or rarely reviews prior learning experiences within or outside the classroom to identify and does not articulate skills and attributes related to specific selection criteria. Provides one piece of evidence relating to learning achievements or experiences.
Reviews prior learning experiences within or outside the classroom to superficially identify and articulate skills and attributes related to specific selection criteria
4.5 – 7.4 marks
5.9 marks 7.5 – 8.9 marks
8.2 marks
Shows little attention to presentation requirements resulting in a lack of readability to engage the reader.
Uses basic English marred by errors that impede meaning and with many spelling errors. Shows some attention to presentation requirements resulting in basic readability to engage the reader.
Uses straightforward English that conveys meaning, even though there may be occasional errors but some spelling errors.
3.0 – 4.9 marks
4 marks 5.0 – 5.9 marks
5.5 marks
9/19/2017 3:16:45 AM
resume/application provides clear evidence/examples of learning
achievements, experiences and capabilities. Describes skills & attributes which address key selection criteria within a position description.
Weighted Score 15
(Total Marks: 7.5) Resume lacks relevant information.
Mark breakdown Default 0 – 4.3 marks 2.2 marks
READABILITY. Presentation of the cover letter & resume (or equivalent) is clear & information is easy to find.
Formatting & layout meets industry expectations (as per job specification). Spelling & Grammar are appropriate
(Weighted Score 10
(Total Marks: 5) Shows very little attention to presentation requirements resulting in a lack of readability to engage the reader.
Uses basic English marred by errors that impede meaning and with many spelling errors
Mark breakdown Default 0 – 2.9 marks 1.5 marks
Preparation for the interview.
The student provides evidence of preparing for the Interview, having developed three STAR responses to potential interview questions, and has questions ready for group members.
Weighted Score 10
9/19/2017 3:16:25 AM
High Distinction (HD)/ Excellent
There is a strong and coherent argument for choosing the role that addresses both personal goals, capabilities and industry expectations.
8 – 10 marks
9 marks
Shows detailed understanding of the industry trends. Provides excellent insights into the impact of trends and changes on recruitment and employability and the interview process.
8 – 10 marks
9 marks
Shows exemplary attention to the presentation, organisation and content of cover letter to market candidate to the position resulting in very strong readability to engage the reader.
Addresses all the key job criteria.
9/19/2017 3:16:21 AM
Credit (C) Good Distinction (D)/ Very good
There is a reasonable argument for choosing the role that addresses some personal goals, or capabilities. There is a clear argument for choosing the role that addresses some personal goals, and capabilities.
6 –6.9 marks
6.5 marks 7.0 –7.9 marks
7.5 marks
Shows a good understanding of the industry trends but could explain the trends in more detail.
Provides some insights into the impact of trends and changes on recruitment and employability and the interview process. Research tends to be uneven. Shows a very good understanding of the industry trends Provides good insights into the impact of trends and changes on recruitment and employability and the interview process.
6 –6.9 marks
6.5 marks 7.0 –7.9 marks
7.5 marks
Shows good attention to the presentation, organisation and content of cover letter to market candidate to the position resulting in good readability to engage the reader.
9/19/2017 3:16:04 AM
Fail (N) requires further
development)/needs improvement Pass (P) Acceptable
There is minimal argument for choosing the role but the links between the choice of job or role and personal goals, or capabilities are limited. There is an adequate argument for choosing the role but the links between the choice of job or role and personal goals, or capabilities are limited.
3.0 – 4.9 marks
4 marks 5.0 – 5.9 marks
5.5 marks
The industry trends are
briefly discussed.
Lacks insights into the impact of trends and changes on recruitment and employability and the interview process. Shows some understanding of the industry trends but could provide more detailed discussion.
A tendency to be vague or unclear in some sections.
Provides limited insights into the impact of trends and changes on recruitment and employability and the interview process.
3.0 – 4.9 marks
4 marks 5.0 – 5.9 marks
5.5 marks
Shows little attention to the presentation, organisation and content of cover letter to market candidate to the position resulting in lack of readability to engage the reader.
9/19/2017 3:15:37 AM
Performance Indicators
Fail (N) /0-49 Poor/unacceptable/ Not attempted
The desired role is clearly identified. The reasons for choosing the role are explained.
Weighted Score 10
(Total Marks: 5) There is little to no discussion on the reasons for choosing the role.
NB: IBIS industry trends are not a suitable reason for choosing a job.
Mark breakdown Default 0 – 2.9 marks 1.5 marks
Weighted Score 10
(Total Marks: 5) The industry trends are not explained.
Mark breakdown Default 0 – 2.9 marks 1.5 marks
Uses standard business format. Demonstrates research of company and why candidate is a good match to position in terms of experience/ skills/ attributes.
Weighted Score 15
(Total Marks: 7.5) Shows very little attention to the presentation, organisation and content of cover letter to market candidate to the position resulting in lack of readability to engage the reader.
Does not address the job criteria.
9/19/2017 3:15:21 AM
I only need to do the task one in the assignment. I select a job for me. KPMG Vacation Program - Vacation Students Above will show the job that I selected. please refer the rubric file and do what they asked. I need this before 1pm in Australian Time. Thank you.