Reference no: EM131755978
Business Organization and Management
Description of Term Paper's Requirements
Background and Objective
The term paper will allow you to apply the business processes and concepts that we will study in the Business Organization and Management course to actual current business situations.
During the semester we will study a range of managerial processes and responsibilities. Each week we will use current business events (as reported in the financial press and elsewhere) to discuss the real-world application of key management concepts. The term paper, which will involve your tracking, analyzing and critiquing the current decisions made in a company you will choose, is a continuation of this process.
Getting Started
To get started, identify a company whose business activities you will follow for the term. During the semester you will be responsible to gather information (from the financial press, credible business publications, the company website, etc.) concerning the events and decisions (e.g. new product introductions, management changes, key problems encountered) which have occurred in that company. In advance, I would like to review with you the company you select.
Your Deliverables
Your completed paper will consist of a typed report of not fewer than five double-spaced pages in length (not counting the cover sheet and works cited page) containing the following information:
- Company name, brief business description and history.
- A description of the key activities and events which have occurred in the company during the term.
- The key decisions that company managers have made regarding those activities and events.
- For at least two of those decisions, your critique (agree or disagree) with company management's decisions and an explanation of why you either agree or disagree.
Facts and information footnoted throughout the paper.
- Works cited page.
Important Reality Check Regarding Your Paper
The purpose of this paper is to get you to apply this course's subject-matter to the key issues, events and decisions which have occurred in your target company. This will require thoughtful analysis and interpretation on your part.
Please note that simply summarizing the articles / other background materials you have collected without the required critique (as described above) will not meet this assignment's requirements.
Your grade for this assignment will be based on your ability to successfully identify and communicate the paper's requirements. Since spelling and the use of proper grammar are important in today's business environment, those factors will be considered as well when arriving at your paper's grade.
Please note - It is critical that you have a qualified person edit your paper for grammar,spelling, word choices, sentence structure and punctuation before you submit it.