Discuss the pros and cons of the secure fence act

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Reference no: EM131558933


Topic 1: Organized Crime

While the mob or the mafia is what usually comes to mind when people refer to organized crime, the fact is that ethnic gangs have a completely different look in modern society. Watch the following YouTube video. Whether Mexican, Russian, African-American, Polish, Albanian, Japanese, or any other group these organizations have gained power and criminal influence over the years. Please talk about the different ways that these groups maintain their power, why people take part, and what can be done to stop them. How can the police effectively fight these close knit groups? Are Mexico's drug cartels an example of organized crime?

CBS. (2008, May 8). Growing threat of Russia's mob (CBS News). Retreived from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNiLV1kP1xI

Topic 2: Secure Fence Act of 2006

Discuss the pros and cons of the Secure Fence Act of 2006. What problems might be caused by the construction of physical barriers between the United States and Mexico?

Topic 3: Technology

Discuss several technologies that have changed the face of law enforcement in recent years. Provide examples of the pros and cons of these new technologies.

Topic 4: Reflect

Take this opportunity to exchange any additional information and ideas relevant to this week's Scenario Project.

Reference no: EM131558933

Questions Cloud

Estimate what it will cost to buy a replacement tank : Your 1st day on the job you have broken a hundred gallon metal tank while taking it off of the delivery truck.
Investment opportunity-net present value of investment : Consider the following investment opportunity. What is the Net Present Value (NPV) of this investment if the opportunity cost of capital is 6% anual?
Explains the types of developmental changes : Fourteen-year-old Jake is about to enter high school. Using the stages of Piaget, Erikson, and Kohlberg, explains the types of developmental changes
Find the optimal capacity : A production facility experiences 1000 units of demand increase per year for a foreseeable future. The management has an option to either add a machine.
Discuss the pros and cons of the secure fence act : Discuss the pros and cons of the Secure Fence Act of 2006. What problems might be caused by the construction of physical barriers between the US and and Mexico?
How does culture influence work attributes : How does culture influence work attributes? Is it a factor that should be considered in assessment? Justify your answer
Discuss the various stressors of working for men and women : Discuss the various stressors of working for men and women. Those stressors may relate to relationships. Be specific; list a few for each
Find mean and variance of total sustained load on footing : The total sustained load on the concrete footing of a planned building is the sum of the dead load plus the occupancy load.
Explain three circumstances : Explain three circumstances where a researcher would choose a longitudinal study over a cross-sectional study


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