Discuss the product you plan to launch

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131561865

I am a product manager planning to launch a new product. For this part of the project, I need to select the product I want to focus on and discuss the target audience for this project.

You chose an Eyebrow Regrowth Serum as my product. Need to add a twist.

To complete this assignment, the following needs to be done:

Select the product you want to focus on in this project. This may be an existing product that is new to your company, or it may be a nonexistent product that is new to the world.

If you choose to launch an existing product (one that is new to your company, but not new to the world), put a twist on it so that it is not identical to a product already in the market.

NOTE: You will use the same product throughout the duration of the course project, so please choose wisely!


Discuss the product you plan to launch and explain why you selected it.

Include a preliminary discussion of who the target audience is for the product.

Outline the value that the selected product will deliver to the target consumer.

Add an APA-formatted reference page containing the scholarly sources you used, and be sure to include in-text citations to those sources throughout your paper.

Reference no: EM131561865

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