Discuss the principles of success plan

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Reference no: EM131852200

Assignment 2: Principles of Success Plan: The First Three Principles (Milestone 2)

How would you advise a person to succeed in accomplishing personal, career, or learning goals based on what you've learned about attention, spaced repetition, and habit formation? Based on the information presented on selective attention, spaced repetition, and habit formation (located in chapters 4-7 of the webtext), summarize each concept and identify one principle of success for each concept related to accomplishing learning, career, or personal goals. In addition, explain how you have experienced each of these principles working in your life or how you plan to apply them to meeting your own personal or career goals.

Milestone 2 should be two to four (2-4) pages in length and should include the following:

1. One principle of success related to the concept of selective attention.

a. State one principle of success related to selective attention in one sentence.

b. Summarize the concept of selective attention and explain its relationship to learning. - One paragraph of 3-5 sentences

c. Explain how you have personally seen this principle of success work in your own learning or how you plan to put it into action in accomplishing your future learning goals. - One paragraph of 3-5 sentences

2. One principle of success related to the concept of spaced repetition (or the spacing effect).

a. State one principle of success related to spaced repetition in one sentence.

b. Summarize the concept of spaced repetition and explain its relationship to learning. - One paragraph of 3-5 sentences

c. Explain how you have personally seen this principle of success work in your own learning or how you plan to put it into action in accomplishing your future learning goals. - One paragraph of 3-5 sentences

3. One principle of success related to the concept of habit formation.

a. State one principle of success related to habit formation in one sentence.

b. Summarize the concept of habit formation and explain its significance for meeting goals. - One paragraph of 3-5 sentences

c. Explain how you have personally seen this principle of success work in meeting your own goals or how you plan to put it into action. - One paragraph of 3-5 sentences

4. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:

a. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

b. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length. [Use writing templates in the webtext to make your cover page according to APA style guidelines.]

c. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length. [Use writing templates in the webtext to make your in-text citations and automatically create your reference page according to APA style guidelines.]

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

• Determine psychological principles of success using major theories of learning, memory, cognition, consciousness, development, and social psychology.

• Describe the differences between growth and fixed mindsets and apply mindsets to personal experiences.

• Apply behaviorist psychology principles to describe how humans learn and develop habits.

• Identify and reflect on how personal responsibility for actions affects outcomes.

• Use critical thinking skills to reflect on personal experiences related to success, failure, and strategies for personal growth.

• Use technology and information resources to support learning issues in success psychology.

• Write clearly and concisely about psychological success using proper writing mechanics.

Reference no: EM131852200

Questions Cloud

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Determine the values of a and b : The time at which a bus arrives at a station is uniform over an interval (a, b) with mean 2:00 PM. and standard deviation IE minutes.
Discuss the principles of success plan : How would you advise a person to succeed in accomplishing personal, career, or learning goals based on what you've learned about attention, spaced repetition.
What is the probability that the quadratic equation : Suppose that b is a random number from the interval (-3, 3). What is the probability that the quadratic equation x2 + bx + 1 = 0 has at least one real root?
Write an abstract of an article about adult development : Write a 1 page Abstract of an article about Adult Development and the sandwich generation.
What is the probability that its volume is at most 36 : The radius of a sphere is a random number between 2 and 4. What is the expected value of its volume? What is the probability that its volume is at most 36,r?
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