Discuss the principles and protocols of citing ones source

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131913651

1. Discuss the concepts of plagiarism, academic honesty, and academic integrity, specifically as they relate to integrity at the personal, courseroom, and university levels;

2. Discuss the principles and protocols of citing one's sources;

3. Clarify the differences between quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing;

4. State the specific changes you will make to insure that you do not plagiarize again;

5. Include at least 15 scholarly references that are no more than three years old.

6. Submit this paper to TurnItIn to make sure you have cited any source material you have used;

7. Make a .pdf file of the TurnItIn report and submit it with your paper.

It is expected that this paper will:

Be of sufficient length to cover the material, and comprise no fewer than 10 pages (not counting cover page or reference page/s). 10-12 pages are recommended.

Be in correct APA style, clearly written, contain appropriate headings and be free from grammatical & spelling errors. An abstract and table of contents are not required.

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In the current assignment, we have discussed about certain terms which are important in the field of academic writing. We have explained terms like plagiarism, academic dishonesty, and academic integrity. We have also explained about the importance of citation in academic writing.

Reference no: EM131913651

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Discuss the principles and protocols of citing ones source : Discuss the concepts of plagiarism, academic honesty, and academic integrity, specifically as they relate to integrity at the personal and courseroom
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