Discuss the principle that guides the rightful place

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Reference no: EM133425707

1. Discuss the principle that guides the rightful place in community for people with disability. In your discussion, include the influence of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) in Australian legislation.

2. To support people with disability in their rightful place within the community, it is important that they have the same opportunities develop skills like everyone else.

Discuss how skill development can help people with disabilities.

3. Skill development can help clients overcome social, physical, and other barriers and improve their overall quality of life. It helps people with disabilities take their rightful place in their community.

Discuss the following areas where clients might request skill development, include types of each skill and they may want to improve these skills:

Life skills?
Social skills?
Vocational skills?

4.Where the support worker is unable to meet the needs of their client, they will be required to make or request a referral from a specialist.

List five (5) different specialist that they may make a referral to support the client.

5.Discuss the aspects of the assessment process that most organisations use to determine a client's skill development progress or needs.

6.Each organisation will have policies and procedures to conduct a skill assessment for their clients. Identify the four assessment tools that these might include.

7.To access the NDIS support, clients will be required to have an independent assessment by mid-2021.

Describe how an independent assessment is conducted within NDIS. In your answer, include:

The requirement for current NDIS clients to undergo an independent assessment?
The purpose of an independent assessment ?
The process of an independent assessment?

8.Discuss how self-determination is applied within disability support. In your discussion, include how it emerged from human rights and how it is applied.

9.Explain how the right to self-determination is embedded within Australian practices. You must also include what self-determination means for people who have reduced cognitive capacity.

10.Outline the self-determination theory (SDT), including the three psychological needs identified in it and how these can be beneficial for people with disabilities.

11. Describe how a person-centred approach is used to identify a client's skill development needs. Include in your answer what a person-centred approach is, its principles, and the support worker's role in it.

12.Explain how the NDIS Practice Standards support the rights of people with disabilities through a person-centred approach. Include how you are expected to meet these standards.

13.Describe the benefits of applying a person-centred approach.

14.Discuss the strengths-based practice and identify its principles in your discussion.

15.Identify four (4) ways in which a support worker can apply a strengths-based approach when conversing with clients.

16.Identify three (3) benefits that could advantage the client while applying this approach.

17.What is the social model of disability? List four (4) examples of barriers a person with a disability may face.

18.Discuss the following barriers that are identified within the social model of disability:Environmental?


19.Active support is one form of a person-centred approach. Discuss this statement and include in your answer what active support is and its principles.

20.Briefly explain social devaluation.

21.Discuss how people with disabilities are socially devalued and how this may impact them.

22.Explain how competency and image enhancement can address devaluation.

23.What is capacity building? Discuss how it is addressed within the NDIS.

24.Identify and give a brief explanation of the eight (8) categories within the capacity building budget in the NDIS.

25.Support Coordination is included in the capacity building budget. Discuss this statement briefly.

26.Approved clients can access the NDIS's services through their NDIS portal. Identify five (5) local organisations-that offer community education to support clients with disability-that one can access without using the NDIS portal.

27.Identify five (5) resources or pieces of equipment that may be required to support the learning and development of people with disabilities.


You are a support worker in a disability support service. You have a diverse range of clients with varying levels and types of needs at your service. Your colleagues have requested that you share some learning strategies with them to support clients and include the value of incidental learning.

-In your response to share information with your colleagues please write:

Five (5) learning strategies that can be used to support the learning and skill development for clients. In your discussion include one example of its possible application

Explain what incidental learning is and where clients can be encouraged to use these learning opportunities

Reference no: EM133425707

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