Discuss the principal drivers behind businesses

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Reference no: EM133086607 , Length: word count:2500

BISY2005 Enterprise Systems - Australian Institute of Higher Education

Learning Outcome 1: Show an understanding of the basic principles and issues associated with enterprise systems.

Learning Outcome 2: Explain and describe the scope of common enterprise systems (e.g. supply chain, HRM, procurement, etc.)

Learning Outcome 3: Identify and critically assess the challenges associated with implementing enterprise systems and their impact on business.

Learning Outcome 4: Demonstrate an understanding of the enterprise system development life cycle, from selection, acquisition, implementation, and maintenance.

Learning Outcome 5: Identify the factors that contribute to an organisation's readiness to implement enterprise systems and how obstacles might be overcome.

In this individual assignment, students are required to write a 2,500 to 2,600-word essay on the following enterprise systems issues:

Question 1. Discuss the principal drivers behind businesses adopting Enterprise Systems.

Question 2. How do Enterprise Systems contribute to organisational performance and how do we measure such contributions?

Question 3. What are the organisational change management considerations necessary for successful adoption of an Enterprise System?

Attachment:- Enterprise Systems Requirement.rar

Reference no: EM133086607

Questions Cloud

High-intensity organization : This is a high-intensity organization and the members of our executive team all take a direct and sometimes confrontational approach.
Human resources management : It is always advisable that new Human resources management graduates start their careers as line managers as opposed to staff managers. Justify this advice?
Discuss thoroughly the role of banks : Explain and discuss thoroughly the role of banks and technology in businesses in the 21st century.
Conduct violation in icici and videocon case : ICICI bank initiates code of conduct violation in ICICI and videocon case.
Discuss the principal drivers behind businesses : Discuss the principal drivers behind businesses adopting Enterprise Systems and How do Enterprise Systems contribute to organisational performance
Ownership of the medical records : 1. Describe the legal issues related to ownership of the medical records.
How is communication relevant to negotiations : How is communication relevant to negotiations? How did Mr. Zamanek handle the different communication issues with the Chinese?
Describe a situation in which you demonstrated high efficacy : 1. Describe a situation in which you demonstrated high efficacy. Be specific.
Business Crime : Explain the concepts of mens rea and actus reus and analyze how they relate to corporate criminal liability.


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