Discuss the potential customer segments for your product

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Reference no: EM132417104 , Length: word count:2500

MRKT20052 - Marketing Management and Digital Communications - Central Queensland University

Marketing Plan

Students are required to choose ONE of four businesses/products. This assessment requires students to work individually on their selected business/product to create a comprehensive strategic marketing plan with a maximum word limit of 2,500 (excluding references). Your assessment should be an application of relevant marketing concepts learnt in the unit.

There is no need to go into details about explaining marketing concepts, rather it should be an applied discussion (i.e. do not provide definitions and descriptions of relevant concepts, instead you are required to apply those to your selected business/product; you will be assessed on the quality of your conducted analysis).

Product Website

#1 notpla - products

#2 patchstrips

#3 pixelatedinduction

#4 disruptsports

Recommended structure of the report:

Title page: The title page will include the title of your assignment, name of the business/product you prepared your marketing plan for, your name, student ID number, lecturer/tutor name, and unit name and code.

Table of contents: The table of contents will present each section of the report, including sub-headings, with their appropriate page number(s). Sections should be numbered with page number (e.g. 1.0 Introduction on page 1). Pages prior to the introduction should use lower case Roman numerals such as i, ii, iii, iv.

Executive summary: The executive summary contains the key points of the whole report in 3-5 paragraphs written on a single page. This is not an introduction to your assignment, ensure to present a summary of key findings of the entire report.

Introduction: The introduction section should provide background information of the selected company and its product or service.

Situation analysis: This section should include a PESTEL analysis, a competitor analysis, and SWOT analysis.

Customer analysis: Discussion of the segmentation, targeting and positioning approach. Discuss the potential customer segments for your product or service and which one(s) you wish to target with good justifications. Also, discuss the desired positioning for the product or service and develop a clear positioning statement.

Problem Statement: Clearly identify the problems the product will face when introduced in the Australian market in 2019 based on the situation and customer analysis. Is it lack of awareness, pricing, distribution or other problems?

Objectives: Set 3 to 5 marketing objectives. Relate the objectives to your problem statement, situation and customer analysis. All objectives should be described using the SMART approach.

Marketing mix strategy: Should cover specifics of the product, price, promotion and place aspects.

Campaign evaluation: This section should cover specific effectiveness measures for each strategy, overall control measures for the marketing plan, and contingency actions should also be identified.

Budget allocation: Your budget allocation should be reasonable. It should also linked to the objectives and the marketing mix strategy.

Conclusion: Includes a summary of the key points.

Evidence of research: Provide a list of at least 15 (fifteen) citations and references of relevant published academic and research papers, textbooks and authentic internet sources. Referencing should follow the APA style. You will be assessed on the quality and integration of research in the writeup to support key points. Any website which is used to find statistical information is also considered as part of evidence of research. Useful websites include

Australian Bureau of Statistics, Austrade, CIA Factbook, Doing Business and any state or Commonwealth Authority websites.

Report format and writing style: Use of headings, sub headings, cohesion of paragraphs need to be of high quality. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are expected to be of exceptional standard. The report is very professionally presented with superior layout and font and heading styles. Language used, sentence construction, grammar and spelling are very professional with no easily discernible errors. Professional structure, guiding the reader through a logical analysis. You can use the example given on pages 69-73 in the textbook as a guide.

Attachment:- Marketing Plan.rar

Reference no: EM132417104

Questions Cloud

Discuss observed areas of less substantive research : After reading the article "The Revolving Door at the Prison Gate" by Padfield and Maruna, discuss any areas of research bias and any observed areas of less.
What would we expect to happen in the long-run : If the MPC equals 0.8 and the crowding-out effect is $70 billion, what would we expect to happen in the long-run to real GDP and the price level?
Identify all of the stakeholders related to the position : As you have learned throughout this course, the criminal justice field demands moral conduct from all participants. In your Final Paper, you will create a set.
What stood out to you about the overall list of articles : For this discussion thread, I will not point you to a specific article. Instead, please go to the following website: Gang-Related News Articles.
Discuss the potential customer segments for your product : Identify the problems the product will face when introduced in the Australian market in 2019 based on the situation and customer analysis
Details about explaining marketing concepts : Explaining marketing concepts, rather it should be an applied discussion (i.e. do not provide definitions and descriptions of relevant concepts
Perfect substitutes and perfect compliments : How do you find Marginal rate of technical substitution of perfect substitutes and perfect compliments.
Successful application of the coase theorem : Describe at least one of the key conditions needed for successful application of the Coase theorem to solving problems caused by externalities.
What are the different types of police corruption : What are the different types of police corruption? What themes run through the finding of the Knapp Commission and the Wickersham Commission?


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