Discuss the platforms the company is using

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131628075

One disucssion post :

Share which social media platforms you use and discuss what you hope to achieve by using these platforms, either personally or professionally.

Discuss the effectiveness of each platform at achieving these goals.

Select one platform that you do not currently use and discuss how the use of this platform could contribute to the achievement of your goals.

If you do not currently use any social media platforms, explain why.

After reading Chapter 1 in The Beginner's Guide To Social Media, select an organization that is currently present on more than one social media platform.

Choose wisely, as you will be following this company for the duration of this course (see Guide to Choosing Your Organizations document).

For the rest of this course, this organization will be referred to as your social organization.

Briefly describe the company you chose and explain why.

Discuss the platforms the company is using.

Consider joining the social media platforms that your selected company uses, if you have not already. Joining a social media platform will allow you to explore the many options available to individuals and organizations.

In your response posts, discuss a few similarities and differences between the use of social media by the organization you chose and the organizations chosen by your peers.

You may find interesting and relevant ideas for your final project during research for your own post or while discussing these concepts with your peers. To get the most out of these discussions, ask questions, elaborate on your peers' thoughts, and offer your own insight. Be thoughtful and #BeSocial.

Reference no: EM131628075

Questions Cloud

What are the advantages and disadvantages of sri : What are the key issues you should consider in your analysis of this SRI fund? What are the advantages and disadvantages of SRI?
Create a schedule showing the cash inflows : Create a schedule showing the cash inflows (including interest) and outflows of this fund. How much will be in the fund on Amelia's 16th birthday?
Find the straight-line rate of depreciation : An acid disposal tank has a useful life of three years. Find the straight-line rate of depreciation expressed as a decimal and percent.
Explain the most likely government regulations : Explain the most likely government regulations that would directly impact day-to-day operations. Provide specific examples to support your response.
Discuss the platforms the company is using : Share which social media platforms you use and discuss what you hope to achieve by using these platforms, either personally or professionally.
Who works for the diligent consulting group : You are a consultant who works for the Diligent Consulting Group. Your client, the New Star Grocery Company, believes that there may be a relationship.
Determine the depreciation and the year-end book value : A van costing $18,000 with an expected life of four years and a salvage value of $1,000 is depreciated by the declining-balance method.
Strategies for possible improvement : Compare and contrast the Toyota and Honda in terms of how well or how poorly they are performing in the areas of profit, debt, and asset turnover.
What other items are important to the investigation : Obtaining additional information as necessary and developing a plan for the investigation: What other items are important to the investigation?


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