Discuss the phenomenon of the background

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Reference no: EM133612699


Discuss the phenomenon of the background and characteristics of diabetics in Bronx; from different perspectives, such as social, economic, public health, nutrition etc. etc. understand the situations of diabetics in Bronx. (C) Discuss the challenging issues / problems, community healthcare issues / problem, especially the diabetes issues / problems in Bronx NY from different perspectives, such as social, economic, public health, nutrition etc. etc.. (D) The first assignment is to help yourself understand the above information then develop a concept paper (for your first assignment); discuss the background and characteristics of diabetics in the Bronx from different perspectives. (E) Make sure you include all your references. The purpose of the first assignment is to prepare for the background information of your second assignment; related to the data analysis design of diabetes in Bronx. After you understand the background, characteristics, and the healthcare issues/ problems in Bronx, so that can help yourself to develop your research questions/data analysis design in your second assignment. Write reference and citation.

Reference no: EM133612699

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