Discuss the patricians and the plebeians in roman republic

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Reference no: EM133568157

Discussion Post: Ancient Rome

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The Roman Republic, was characterized by elected officials who held power for limited terms. This form of government emphasizes the participation of citizens in decision-making processes. With the rise of Augustus and some emperors, Rome transitioned into an autocratic regime. The emperors held absolute power and ruled for life, centralizing authority and diminishing the role of the Senate. The emperors became the sole source of law, and their decrees were considered final. As Rome used to be a republic, this shift to an imperial system resulted in a concentration of power that deviated significantly from its original principles.

Social Class

In the Roman Republic, society was divided into two main classes: the patricians and the plebeians. The patricians were the wealthy elite, who held most of the political power. On the other hand, the plebeians were the common people, including farmers, artisans, and merchants, with limited political influence. However, under the emperors, this social hierarchy underwent significant transformations. The emperors expanded their power and centralized authority, resulting in a decline in influence. The emperor became the ultimate authority and held immense control over society. Additionally, with the expansion of the Roman Empire, new social classes emerged. The equestrians, for instance, were a class of lower-ranking members who held some form of economic power. While the Roman Republic was characterized by a clear division between patricians and plebeians, Rome under the emperors experienced a shift in social dynamics with new classes emerging and a concentration of power in the hands of the emperor.

Gender Roles

In the Roman Republic, women were primarily confined to the domestic sphere and had limited public roles. They were expected to be obedient wives and mothers, responsible for managing the household and raising children. However, as Rome transitioned into an imperial system under the emperors, women's status and influence began to expand. Some empresses, such as Livia and Agrippina the Younger, exerted considerable. women of noble birth gained more educational opportunities and could participate in public life to a greater extent. While gender inequality persisted in both periods, it is evident that Rome under the emperors witnessed a gradual shift towards a more inclusive society where women could wield influence beyond their traditional domestic roles.


Overall, the Roman Republic's government structure, social class system, and relatively progressive gender roles contributed to a more prosperous and equitable society.

Reference no: EM133568157

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