Discuss the pathophysiologic disorders

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133670301


C.M. is a 76 y/o male. He has presented to the provider's office today with an 8 week history of diffuse muscle and joint aches his left knee has become inflamed and tender his provider has prescribed gabapentin 300 milligrams and it is not helping he finds it difficult to ambulate due to the discomfort and has been experiencing falls his provider ordered an EMG lab work and performed a muscle biopsy his EMG showed mild axonal degenerative and demyelinating changes the muscle biopsy confirmed unspecific muscle atrophy with myopathic changes his lab work confirms ACTH deficiency

Past medical history

Diagnosed with Addison's disease at 46.



Previous smoker for 20 years

Surgical history


Consider the pathophysiologic disorders related to the musculoskeletal system. Identify concepts which may explain your client's current or potential condition and explain why your findings are important.

Reference no: EM133670301

Questions Cloud

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Discuss the pathophysiologic disorders : Consider the pathophysiologic disorders related to the musculoskeletal system. Identify concepts which may explain your client's current or potential condition.
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What are advantages of pre-block scheduling in dental office : What are the advantages of pre-block scheduling in a dental office?
What may be a complication for dogs cardiovascular system : What machine would be used? What may be a complication for the dogs cardiovascular system, if he does not respond to treatment?


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