Discuss the origins of antisemitism

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133736429


Read Chapter one ("The Nature and Roots of Antisemitism" pages 1-18 fifth Edition) and read over the Power Point "Antisemitism in American 1920's-30's" as well as do some research online and answer the following:

Please at the end of each response cite sources used in your answer. If it is your textbook something like textbook, 3-5 or Botwinick pages 3-5. If from a weblink copy/paste the weblink at the end of the answer. if from this power point slide 3, etc will work.

1. Define the word Antisemitism and where did that word first appear historically?

2. Discuss the origins of Antisemitism.

3. What events took place in the Medieval ages between Christianity and the Jews? How did the events of this period lay a groundwork for the Antisemitic ideas of Hitler?

4. What events happened in the Protestant Reformation? Discuss why for Jews there were "Two Luther's"

5. What events took place in the French Revolution and the Enlightenment of the 18th and 19th centuries that began to impact Jews in a positive light?

6. What were the factors that contributed to Germany's ideas of "Patriotism" being tied in with the ideas of what it meant to be German? What concepts were argued to define one being truly German?

7. From the PPT slides 9-10 what was the major ideas behind the "National Origins Act of 1924?" What reasons did America have for wanting to limit Immigration, including Jewish immigrants from Eastern European areas?

8. From the PPT slides 11-17 choose two of the Political Cartoons from America in the 1920's (Identify slide number and Cartoons) and discuss what messages are being conveyed in those Political Cartoons.

9. Choose to look at PPT slides 25-31 on Father Charles E. Coughlin or slides 32-34 on Charles Lindbergh and discuss their Antisemitic views. What one quote most surprised you and why?

10. How do we account for the fact that even in the United States racism and Antisemitism still exists?

Reference no: EM133736429

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