Discuss the normalize table to third normal form

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131451653

Objective:Normalize table to third normal form (3NF)

Submission requirements:

· For all text and image submissions, use MS Word, which is available to you within the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI).

· For all SQL code submissions, use MS Word, which is available to you within VDI.

· For all diagrams submissions, use MS Visio, which is available to you within VDI.

o Note: If you need assistance on how to get started with this tool, go to the references section at the end of this document.

· If the submission is more than one file:

1. Name each item appropriately.

a. For example: LAB3-Normalization-yourName.vsd, LAB3-Questions-yourName.docx

2. Save each item in a single folder.

3. This folder should also be named appropriately.

a. For example: LAB3-yourName

4. Compress the folder.

5. Submit the compressed file in Blackboard.

Lab:For this assignment, you will normalize the below Orders table to 3NF. Make sure to identify all the entities and their attributes, especially if you make any new items (such as entity or attributes). The following is a list of possible attributes for ORDERS; you may have more:












Submit dependency diagrams for all entities you create. The following table is a sample of data, before ORDERS was normalized. Please start with the below table and then write out each dependency diagram as you move from 1NF to 2NF to 3NF. Show your progress and submit your final document with all dependency diagrams in Blackboard.

The following table is a sample, before ORDERS was normalized:












1234 1st St.

1A4536, Flange, 7lbs, $75;4-OR2400, Injector, .5lbs, $108;4-OR2403, Injector, .5lbs, $116;1-4I5436, Head, 63lbs, $750




Sneed Corp.

555 Main Ave.

1-3X9567, Pump, 5lbs, $62.50




ZZZ & Co.

4242 SW 2nd

7-8G9200; Fan, 3lbs, $84;1-8G5437, Fan, 3lbs, $15;1-3H6250, Control, 5lbs, $32





1234 1st St.

40-8G9200, Fan, 3lbs, $480;1-2P5523, Housing, 1lb, $165;1-3X9567, Pump, 5lbs, $42

Reference no: EM131451653

Questions Cloud

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Explain use of sustainability in customer driven markets : provide an opinion (complete with citations) either for or against (skepticism) the successful use of sustainability in customer driven markets
Discuss the normalize table to third normal form : For all text and image submissions, use MS Word, which is available to you within the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI).
Evaluate how you are performing : Build in feedback mechanisms to assess goal progress. Feedback lets you know whether your level of effort is sufficient to attain the goal.
Calculate the gross proceeds per share : Calculate the gross proceeds per share.
What are your thoughts on the ethics of war using the weapon : Do you think President Truman was right or wrong in his decision. What are your thoughts on the "ethics" of war / using the weapon? Was it ethical?
Calculate the net proceeds to renee’s from the sale of debt : Renee’s Boutique, Inc., needs to raise $58.16 million to finance firm expansion. Calculate the net proceeds to Renee’s from the sale of the debt.


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